Business Process Copy Management

Intelligent Test data management for SAP based Systems
fast, reliable and secure

Holistic test data management product
BPCM stands for “Business process copy management” and is the newest product to manage all your Test data in SAP System and more. It will help you to provide Test- and Analysis data to your developers and users in their SAP Development- and Test systems.
The focus with BPCM is to enable customers to easily copy the data they needed from their production systems into Test- and Development systems of the same type. Or to refresh complete SAP clients with a new set of data including the customizing parts. In all of those scenarios, BPCM ensures that the post processing activities are kept low.
Find out more:

Automated Test data provisioning
The amount of time spent to bring test data into development- or training clients can be tremendous.
Wouldn´t it be great to have a toolset helping you to copy data needed when it is needed?
BPCM can help you to get the right data at the right time.
Copy data based on test cases needed
You often do not need a complete system to do your testing in test- or development boxes. For running test cases you need very specific pics.
How about some fresh data from the day before to have really up-to-date test cases?
BPCM supports various possibilities to copy Business processes.

Refresh complete client in an SAP System
The “classic” approach of data refreshes is to do system copies. But these copies require a lot of post processing and system outage – in addition the systems do have the same size as in production. BPCM is just copying a client, but will handle most of the things which require Post-processing. It also supports smaller copies by time-slice or Industry-specific object based slices.
Data scrambling and masking
Business Data is the most expensive asset of a company. That´s why scrambling of data is one of the keys nowadays to make sure your data stays only in your company. In addition your data in non-productive system has to be in-line with current data protection regulations (GDPR). BPCM support data scrambling and makes even sure this will happen according to all regulations. Data should never leave your Production system unscrambled!

SAP Connected Systems
In today´s world, your Business process does not only reside in an ERP system anymore. It is distributed via various systems and storage areas. BPCM is also supporting combined execution, but also provide interfaces to WEB API based systems like HANA and SuccessFactors.
Fast and Secure Data copy using SSL only
Copy data always means it has to leave the secure production area and has to be copied somewhere. Today, the risk of data theft is very high. Your datas is important to us. That´s why BPCM only support Secure and encrypted Data communication (SSL). In addition your data is packed and encrypted before it leave the Production system.

Replicate data when needed
Sometimes you want to be in a position to have access to the newest processes from production every day. Or you want to copy specific failed processes immediately after they happen in production to have the possibility to analyze and fix them in a test environment first? BPCM support various methods to perform automated data provisioning.
Access and drive from any device
Today, one of the major keys of software development should be to enable staff to access needed applications easily from any device. During the office day it can be the Laptop/Desktop – in the evenings you sometimes do not want to unpack your laptop and just check the status. BPCM is browser based, supporting any usual device form factor (mobile, tablet, Personal Computer)

Cloud optimized and one-click install
One key point was the installation and management of the software. BPCM does not need an SAP System to run on. It is Design to run e.g. as a WebApp under Microsoft Azure or as Elastic Beanstalk in AWS. This allows the highest possible level of flexibility and scalability for a state of art Software.
Easy user management
User management is a key in every application. Especially when accessing remote production systems and allowing data access. BPCM does have a build-in authorization management. It also alows to easily connect to most common Single-sign-on solution like ActiveDirectory or SAP by using OAuth.

Related Blogs:

Say Hello to BPCM – the modern way of Test data provisioning in SAP
Say Hello to BPCM – the modern way of Test data provisioning in SAP DECON-IT is working in the area of SAP
Contact us
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